Valve bodies for hydraulic lifter units
For 40 years we have been
working with advanced technologies in order to ensure high dimensional

Innovative technologies for medical orthopaedics
A large technology area enables us to work with high-strength materials according to the highest standards.
Continued >Our Company, from 1973
story of GeneralMeccanica began in 1973 thanks to the passion for mechanics of
two boys who began working from home with small jobs involving turning by hand
and the maintenance of road vehicles.
After 4 years, of the two boys who started out together, only Luciano remained and under his guidance GeneralMeccanica evolved, focusing on bespoke machine tool mechanical machining...
story of GeneralMeccanica began in 1973 thanks to the passion for mechanics of
two boys who began working from home with small jobs involving turning by hand
and the maintenance of road vehicles.
After 4 years, of the two boys who started out together, only Luciano remained and under his guidance GeneralMeccanica evolved, focusing on bespoke machine tool mechanical machining...